Data Management

SIMA DATA is our suite. We are Data experts, we are CFD providers
We are AI.
With the acquisition of Simasol Albitel LLC with headquarters in Detroit (USA), along with our partners SIMASOL, our company has ensured its overall capabilities in data management, data solutions and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the Energy, Aeronautics, Automotive and many other industries.
Simasol Albitel is the result of years of experience and expertise in the field of data modeling, management and CFD calculations, based on self-developed machine learning and AI algorithms.
Our SIMA DATA services suite applies machine learning Artificial Intelligence routines to automate data management campaigns, being able to detect, analyze, interpret and report any sort of incidents in data. This added to the wide expertise of our Senior team in Energy and Aeronautics, ensures professional state-of-art data management.
SIMA DATA suite includes CFD services of any kind, with own supercomputer calculation capabilities at our headquarters in the USA. We provide competitive and detailed complete CFD solutions to your projects.

We are AI.

Your Renewable Partner
Your projects in the best Hands